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Now showing items 1-10 of 20


Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2022

Oil palm against a background of widespread poverty in the outer islands, where a large, very poor rural population that was not technically conversant with high input agriculture lived side by side with a prosperous commercial estate plantation sector. While many smallholders in these regions cultivated trees including oil palm as a spread effect from estates, their stands have tended to be low-yielding and land-extensive, providing low returns per unit of area compared to large plantation. Development of smallholders needs to occur alongside large oil palm expansion programs which is driven by large plantation companies. As this review, the productivity of independent smallholders is less than 50% of large plantations. Smallholder yields can be improved via PIR type schemes through a 60:40 scheme (60% for plasma and 40% for the nucleus estate). Though current partnership scheme (20:80) is less effective and difficult to accept, it has created many land disputes. Under 60:40 schemes, estate will accommodate both smallholder expectations for oil palm cultivation as well as estate economies of scale. This will provide companies with a social license to operate and ensure company viability over the longer term. Policies and schemes can help secure the rights, resources and livelihoods of the rural poor.

Correspondencing Author: Empirical Causality of Employee Work Productivity

Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2022

Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between superior-subordinate communication on work productivity with work enthusiasm and positive work attitudes as mediating variables at the Department of Transportation of North Sumatra Province. Methodology: This research uses associative research type with quantitative paradigm. The population and sample used in this study, namely all employees/staff at the Department of Transportation of North Sumatra Province, totaling 118 staff. The saturated sampling technique is used to determine the research sample. Path analysis research design is used as an analytical tool to determine the direct or indirect relationship, between independent and dependent variables. Descriptive statistics are also used to discuss the research findings in greater depth. Primary data were processed using IBM SPSS 23 software. Finding: The superior-subordinate communication has a positive significant impact on work productivity either directly or indirectly through work enthusiasm and positive work attitudes. The results justify the significant contribution of superior-subordinate to work enthusiasm. Conclusion: The results of research related to superior-subordinate communication relations, work enthusiasm, and positive work attitudes towards work productivity in general have shown good conditions. However, in particular, there needs to be a better improvement regarding the communication relations between superiors and subordinates, work enthusiasm, and positive work attitudes of employees to increase the work productivity of employees at the Department of Transportation of North Sumatra Province.


Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2021

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Quality of Work Life terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Lama Kerja sebagai variabel moderating pada perusahaan PT. PLN (Persero) UIP3B Sumatera UPT Medan. Metode analisis pada penelitian ini adalah uji analisis regresi moderasi untuk mengetahui apakah variabel moderating akan memperkuat atau memperlemah hubungan antara variabel independen dan variabel dependen yang diteliti. Seluruh populasi yang menjadi sampel, yaitu 130 orang pegawai pada perusahaan PT. PLN (Persero) UIP3B Sumatera UPT Medan. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan Quality of Work Life memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Lama Kerja merupakan variabel moderating yang memperkuat terhadap hubungan antara Quality of Work Life dengan Kinerja Karyawan. Kata Kunci: Kualitas kehidupan kerja, kinerja karyawan, lama kerja

Empirical Causality of Employee Work Productivity

Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2022

Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between superior-subordinate communication on work productivity with work enthusiasm and positive work attitudes as mediating variables at the Department of Transportation of North Sumatra Province. Methodology: This research uses associative research type with quantitative paradigm. The population and sample used in this study, namely all employees/staff at the Department of Transportation of North Sumatra Province, totaling 118 staff. The saturated sampling technique is used to determine the research sample. Path analysis research design is used as an analytical tool to determine the direct or indirect relationship, between independent and dependent variables. Descriptive statistics are also used to discuss the research findings in greater depth. Primary data were processed using IBM SPSS 23 software. Finding: The superior-subordinate communication has a positive significant impact on work productivity either directly or indirectly through work enthusiasm and positive work attitudes. The results justify the significant contribution of superior-subordinate to work enthusiasm. Conclusion: The results of research related to superior-subordinate communication relations, work enthusiasm, and positive work attitudes towards work productivity in general have shown good conditions. However, in particular, there needs to be a better improvement regarding the communication relations between superiors and subordinates, work enthusiasm, and positive work attitudes of employees to increase the work productivity of employees at the Department of Transportation of North Sumatra Province.

Higher Education Branding In Private University In Electronic Word-Of-Mouth At Medan City

Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2021

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand understanding, brand influence dan brand credibility terhadap pemilihan perguruan tinggi swasta dalam elektronic word of mouth baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 dengan sampel sebanyak 100 responden menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu probability sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa brand understanding tidak berpengaruh terhadap pemilihan perguruan tinggi swasta dalam electronic word of mouth, brand influence tidak berpengaruh terhadap pemilihan perguruan tinggi swasta dalam electronic word of mouth, brand credibility berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pemilihan perguruan tinggi swasta dalam electronic word of mouth, brand understanding, brand influence dan brand credibility berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pemilihan perguruan tinggi swasta dalam electronic word of mouth dan pemilihan perguruan tinggi swasta dalam electronic word of mouth (y) dipengaruhi oleh x1 (brand understanding), x2 (brand influence), dan x3 (brand credibility) sebesar 10,7%


Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2022

This study aims to find out Emotional Intelligence to Employee Performance with locus of control as a moderation variable at PT. Tor Ganda Medan. Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) research design is used as an analytical tool to determine the direction of the variables studied as well as justify how significant the influence of independent variables on dependent variables with the influence of moderation variables. The study used associative methods. The population of 162 people, with a sample of 115 respondents, was obtained using the slovin formula system. The results showed that Emotional Intelligence has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance. The Locus of Control cannot moderate to the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance.


Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2021

This is a very competitive environment in which organizations must focus on strategic management factors to survive and develop a competitive advantage. The current study examines the effect of strategic leadership and organizational innovation on strategic management. It introduces a new mechanism of the effect of strategic leadership and organizational innovation by assessing the mediational role of the IT capability of the organization. It focuses on how an organization can do efficient strategic management by utilizing the strategic leadership and the organizational innovation. For this purpose, the data was collected from the faculty members of Malaysian universities. The data was collected through survey questionnaires. The usable response rate of the data was 61%. PLS-SEM technique was adopted for analysis for which Smart- PLS used. The findings of the study revealed that organizational innovation, strategic leadership and IT capability are important antecedents of strategic management. Moreover, mediating effect of IT capability was also confirmed. The findings of the study are helpful for academicians and policymakers.

Konflik Peran Dan Ambiguitas Perimplikasinya Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Melalui Stres Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Hotel Sibayak Berastagi

Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2022

This study aims to determine role conflict and ambiguity on job satisfaction with job stress as a mediating variable at Sibayak Berastagi Hotel. Path Analysis research design is used as an analytical tool to determine how the influence between independent and dependent variables is mediated by mediating variables. In this study using associative research with a quantitative approach. The population and samples used in this study, namely all employees who work at Sibayak Berastagi Hotel, totaled 120 workers. The results in this study indicate that the role conflict and ambiguity variables have a significant effect on job satisfaction and the job stress variable does not mediate the effect of role conflict and ambiguity on job satisfaction.


Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2014

Penelitian ini dilandasi pemikiran bahwa pada saat ini pemerintah sedang giatnya mendorong masyarakat untuk berwirausaha. Salah satu upaya tersebut adalah dengan memasukan kewirausahaan pada kurikulum di seluruh Program Studi pada Perguruan Tinggi dan tingkat SMK. Permasalahannya adalah model pembelajaran pemodelan yang bagaimana yang bisa meningkatkan intensi kewirausahaan yang tinggi khususnya pada tingkat mahasiswa. Sejalan dengan itu maka penelitian ini bertujuan penganalisaan Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual melalui sebuah modul dan rencana pembelajaran kewirausahaan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dosen bekerja sama dengan peneliti (atau dilakukan oleh dosen sendiri yang juga bertindak sebagai peneliti) di kelas dengan penekanan pada penyempurnaan atau peningkatan proses dan praktis pembelajaran. Penelitian dilakukan di berbagai perguruan tinggi baik swasta maupun negeri yang berdomisili di Kota Medan dan sekitarnya. Secara lebih khusus, perguruan tinggi negeri yang terlibat adalah Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED) dan Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sumatera Utara, sedangkan perguruan tinggi swasta meliputi Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (UISU). Universitas Dharma Agung (UDA) dan Universitas Panca Budi (UNPAB). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas serta evaluasi dan analisis yang dilakukan pembelajaran kewirausahaan dengan model pendekatan konstektual dapat meningkatkan intensi yang tinggi bagi mahasiswa untuk menjadi seorang wirausahaan yang tangguh dan berkualitas, selain itu model pendekatan konstektual melahirkan kesiapan-kesiapan diri baik pada dosen pengampu maupun mahasiswa, masing-masing pihak yang terlibat sama-sama saling menyiapkan diri sebelum berdiskusi baik kelompok maupun kelas.


Bulan, Tapi Rondang Ni () 2015

The influence of entrepreneurship education has been considered as one of the important factors to grow and develop the passion, spirit and enterpreneurual behavior among the younger generation. However, both state universitas and private universitas, as a provider of higher education can not be expected to be able to provide learning to students and college graduated to be able to play that role it is, more due to the lack of a learning model that corresponds to the condition that the student based on the results of previous studies found that the learning model modeling has become a model of enterpreneurual learning are considered appropriate by the student. Thus, the learning model, has a strong feasibility to be compiled and presenter in the form of module learning model. The purpose of this follow-up study is analyzing and modeling as the design of the learning model that has been arranged through a module and learning plants as a lecturer guide of the proposed model of enterpreneurial learning. This study used a qualitative approach This research is a classroom action research. The results of the study show that contextual teaching method ia able to improve the achievement of agreed target,contextual approach model application techniques stimulate a readiness to lectures of and students where both parties prepare themselves before discussion. the use of proops in the running contextual model is amust and cannot be separated froem the contextual model itself. In general can be concluded that visible results of the learning process with contextual approach raises that value of high intention among the students.