Urgensi Penataan Layout Kantor Dalam Upaya Menigkatkan Efektifitas Kerja Karyawan PT.Telkom Pada Bagian Maintenance

dc.contributor.authorUtami, Nadya
dc.identifier.uri https://repositori.unhar.ac.id/handle/997/urgensi-penataan-layout-kantor-dalam-upaya-menigkatkan-efektifitas-kerja-karyawan-pttelkom-pada-bagian-maintenance
dc.description.abstract Office layout is an activity in designing office space and equipment in accordance with adequate requirements and costs. The design of this office space is to improve employee performance in achieving company goals. Office layout mutually influences employee performance because this room will later be occupied by employees and used to carry out activities to achieve company goals. The office layout is an added value for the company for people who see the company from the external part of the company. Good office layout will indirectly create a first impression between the company and external people, namely a comfortable and good company. Thus, office layout is one thing that influences the effective performance of company employees.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectMeningkatkan Efektifitas Karyawanen_US
dc.titleUrgensi Penataan Layout Kantor Dalam Upaya Menigkatkan Efektifitas Kerja Karyawan PT.Telkom Pada Bagian Maintenanceen_US
dc.typeTugas Akhiren_US

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