Tinjauan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Perkawinan Terlarang (Studi Kasus No.1190/Pid.B/PN.Mdn)

dc.contributor.authorM. Pascal Muttaqin Idris
dc.identifier.uri https://repositori.unhar.ac.id/handle/1111/tinjauan-hukum-pidana-terhadap-pelaku-perkawinan-terlarang-studi-kasus-no1190pidbpnmdn
dc.description.abstract In practice, in a marriage, sometimes the prospective husband or prospective wife violates the rules contained in the Marriage Law, namely in the form of impediment to marriage as stated in Article 9 of the Marriage Law and Article 279 of the Criminal Code. The case of obstructed marriage referred to in this research is an act committed as in decision Number 1190/Pid.B/2022/PN Mdn with the defendant Santi Rahmadani Lumbantoruan als Dhani Edward committing a criminal act by committing, ordering to commit, and participating in committing the act. the act of obstructing marriage violates Article 279 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code. Writing this thesis uses library research methods to examine secondary data by analyzing the case of Decision Number 1190/Pid.B/2022/PN Mdn. The type of data for this research is secondary data. Primary and secondary legal materials are arranged systematically and analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion of the discussion is that the regulation regarding barriers to marriage is Article 279 of the Criminal Code, the perpetrator who holds a marriage even though he knows that his existing marriage or marriages are a legal obstacle. The form of the criminal act of obstruction of marriage is that the defendant falsified his marriage identity, namely the defendant took care of his Identity Card at the Bojong Gede Population and Civil Registry Service with the Population Identity Number 3201135706871001 in the name of Dhani, while Iwan Setiadi came to the Rambutan District KUA Office to take care of the Marriage Recommendation Letter and it was obtained by Marriage Recommendation Letter Number: Kk.02.14.3/Pw.01/ 255/X/2015 with Iwan Setiadi's status as a Jew and the Defendant's status as a Virgin. The judge's legal consideration of the perpetrator of marriage obstruction was based on the decision of the Medan District Court Number 1190/Pid.B/2022/PN Mdn that the defendant's actions fulfilled the elements of Article 279 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectHukum pidana perkawinan terlarangen_US
dc.titleTinjauan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Perkawinan Terlarang (Studi Kasus No.1190/Pid.B/PN.Mdn)en_US

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