Penghapusan Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Pembelaan Diri Yang Mengakibatkan Hilangnya Nyawa Orang

dc.contributor.authorDino Raynaldo
dc.description.abstract The forced defense justifies the act of self-defense in the event of being suddenly attacked or threatened with being attacked, but the law also cannot justify all forms of nature and methods of defense and defense that can be justified by being limited or in other words a defense that can be justified is balanced with an attack or threat. the. The formulation of the problem in this thesis is how to regulate the elimination of criminal liability for self-defense actors that result in the loss of other people's lives, how to implement the abolition of criminal liability for self-defense actors resulting in the loss of other people's lives, how are the judges' legal considerations on the basis of eliminating criminal liability for selfdefense actors resulting in the loss of another person's life the study of the verdict Number 61/Pid.B/2019/PN Cbd. The writing of this thesis uses library research methods to examine secondary data by analyzing the case of Decision Number 61/Pid.B/2019/PN Cbd. This type of research data is secondary data. Primary and secondary legal materials are compiled systematically and analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion of the discussion is that the legal arrangement for the abolition of the criminal act of self-defense that results in the loss of another person's life is regulated in Article 49 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Criminal Code. There are several reasons why a person is not sentenced to a crime, where all the elements mentioned in the article must be fulfilled so that a person is free from all criminal threats because of an unlawful act as a result of self-defense. The implementation of the abolition of criminal liability for self-defense actors resulting in the loss of other people's lives is that the defendant's actions are against the law and the defendant fights in the form of a forced defense or emergency defense which according to the panel of judges the defendant's actions do not exceed the mandatory limit, then based on the provisions of Article 49 of the Criminal Code the defendant's actions it is not a criminal act. The judge's legal considerations for the abolition of the crime in the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of self-defense resulting in the loss of other people's lives are seen from the Criminal Code and the analysis of the decision Number 61/Pid.B/2019/PN. CBD is an act that has been charged to the defendant, it is proven, but the act is not a crime so that the defendant must be declared free from all legal charges. Keywords: Elimination, Criminal Liability, Self Defenseen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectPenghapusan Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelakuen_US
dc.titlePenghapusan Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Pembelaan Diri Yang Mengakibatkan Hilangnya Nyawa Orangen_US

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