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Sembiring, Annisa Putri () 2021Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis campur kode dan alasan mengapa penjual dan pembeli menggunakan campur kode dalam berbicara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para penjual pasar tradisional Simalingkar yang berjumlah tiga orang penjual. Instrumen untuk mengumpulkan data adalah rekaman. Analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa jenis campur kode dalam penelitian ini adalah penyisipan kata, penyisipan frasa, dan penyisipan kalimat. Sedangkan frekuensi data dalam penelitian ini adalah penyisipan kata sebesar 19,56%, penyisipan frasa sebesar 34,78% dan penyisipan kalimat sebesar 45,65%. Kata kunci: campur kode, bahasa Karo dan bahasa Indonesia, pasar tradisional Simalingkar.
Mapping and Analysis of Standard Indonesian Pronunciation Errors by Using the Bigram Method
Erwina, Emmy () 2021Indonesian language is increasingly being ignored, even the mass media often find the use of non-standard language, so there is a uniformity in the use of words that often appear in scientific articles, especially those Indonesian. The uniformity of Indonesian pronunciation certainly confuses the general public, for example: television news viewers and radio listeners, to distinguish between standard and non-standard forms. The non-uniformity of Indonesian pronunciation often occurs in official situations such as official speeches or presentations. Based on this phenomenon, this study aims to conduct an analysis and mapping study of standard pronunciation errors that arise in several public services and develops application tools as automatically tool that can detect errors from the use of standard words obtained from voice recording results in the form of vowel errors, diphthongs and consonants by implementing the bigram method. This research was conducted by collecting voice recordings of conversations, speeches, public speaking and other recordings deemed necessary, then continued with standard pronunciation errors analysis and mapping of these errors using a tool that applied the Bigram technique. Based on statistical information obtained from the detection and correction process that has been carried out, it can be obtained a mapping of the error types in the use of Indonesian standard that often occur in public service environment. The results of the mapping and statistical information obtained are used as the basis for developing programs that aim to improve the quality of the use Indonesian standard in the form of FGDs, socialization and counseling. The study result indicate the standard of pronunciation errors that occur in various circles including presenters and lecturers, then the results of data analysis are described in the form of tables and diagrams so it is seen the percentage of errors that occur
Indonesian Spelling Error Detection and Type Identification using Bigram Vector and Minimum Edit Distance Based Probabilities
Erwina, Emmy () 2021Spelling error has become an error that is often found in this era which can be seen from the use of words that tend to follow trends or culture, especially in the younger generation. This study aims to develop and test a detection and identification modelusing a combination of Bigram Vector and Minimum Edit Distance Based Probabilities. Correct words from error words are obtained using candidates search and probability calculations that adopt the concept of minimum edit distance. The detection results then identified the error type into three types of errors, namely vowels, consonants and diphthongs from the error side on the tendency of the characters used as a result of phonemic rendering at the time of writing. The results of error detection and identification of error types obtained are quite good where most of the error test data can be detected and identified according to the type of error, although there are several detection errors by obtaining more than one correct word as a result of the same probability value of these words.
Persepsi Intonasi Tuturan Kaum Bangsawan Melayu Terhadap Emosi (Perception Of The Speech Intonation Of The Malay Nobility Against Emotions)
Erwina, Emmy () 2021Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi intonasi tuturan kaum bangsawan Melayu terhadap emosi. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian fonetik eksperimental pada kalangan bangsawan di Tanjungpura, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori fonetik akustik serta digunakan juga program Praat. Analisis data menggunakan metode Average sehingga diperoleh persentase persepsi kaum bangsawan Melayu terhadap intonasi tuturan emosi. Hasil dari penelitian ini mendapatkan persentase data terhadap tuturan emosi marah, yaitu sebesar 40%. Untuk persentase data persepsi kaum bangsawan terhadap tuturan emosi sedih yaitu seluruh responden.
Intonasi Perasaan Senang Tuturan Bahasa Melayu Langkat Dengan Menggunakan Metode Average
Erwina, Emmy () 2021Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pola intonasi tuturan bahasa Melayu Langkat dalam emosi senang. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian fonetik eksperimental, yaitu melakukan percobaan berupa tuturan senang pada kalangan orang kebanyakan dan kaum bangsawan yang berada di Tanjungpura, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara. Data diperoleh dari tuturan enam informan dan 40 responden yang diujipersepsikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori fonetik akustik dan program Praat.Tuturan target dalam penelitian untuk emosi senang adalah [sәnãή benã amba mәndeήãr kabarήã jo]. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan metode Average. Data yang didapatkan akan diolah sehingga mendapatkan presentase seberapa besar intonasi perasaan senang pada tuturan bahasa melayu langkat yang masih digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tuturan emosi senang dari kalangan orang kebanyakan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kalangan kaum bangsawan dan terdapat perbedaan durasi pada saat pengucapan. Dengan melakukan perubahan tuturan emosi senang, yaitu menurunkan beberapa st hasilnya masih tetap menunjukkan makna emosi senang, tetapi ketika dinaikkan beberapa st maka, hasilnya menjadi makna emosi sangat senang