Implementasi Analisis Cutting Tool Carbide dengan Material S45C Pada Mesin Bubut Universal

dc.contributor.authorjunaidi dan eddy
dc.description.abstract Cutting tool is the tools lathe .Cutting process tool CARBIDE with Cast Iron Material Universal Lathe which is commonly found at Analysiscutting Process by some aspects numely Cutting force ,Cutting Speed,Cutting Power,Cutting Indication Power ,Temperature Zone 1 and Temperatur Zone 2. Purpose of this Study was to determine how big the cutting Speed ,Cutting Power, electromotor Power,Temperatur Zone 1 and Temperatur Zone 2 that drives the chisel cutting CARBIDE in the Process of tur ning Cast Iron Material .Cutting force obtained from image analysis relationship between the recommended Component Cuting Force with plane of the cut and Cutting Speed obtained from image analysis of relationships between the recommended Cutting Speed Feed rate.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.titleImplementasi Analisis Cutting Tool Carbide dengan Material S45C Pada Mesin Bubut Universalen_US

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