Perancangan Unit Pengisian Pada Mesin Pengisian Botol Otomatis Berbasis PLC

dc.contributor.authorikhsan arif m.t.l tobing, junaidi, yulfira
dc.description.abstract In designing the filling unit in this automatic liquid filling machine, a simple filling system is used. Nozzle only serves to stop the liquid flowing, continue the flow of water using only gravity as pressure to drain the liquid. The filling system in this liquid filling uses PLC as the main driving unit. In the ladder diagram there are also several types of commands that are most often used in programming such as the TON (Time On Delay) command whose function is to determine the time of each automation process. The next command is the CTU (Counter Up) command whose function is to set the number of bottles that will be read by the sensor. In this study, the average speed for filling is Automatic filling of 500 mL bottles takes about 15.62 seconds, while in 250 mL bottles requires a charging time of 7.81 seconds. In the design also found delay caused by automatic system programming of 3 seconds when pneumatic down, and 1 second when pneumatic up. So that in 1 minute, filling a 500ml bottle with a filling time of 15.62 plus a delay of 4 seconds, then in 1 minute the filling machine can fill 12 500 mL bottlesen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectmesin pengisian botol otomatis berbasis plc en_US
dc.titlePerancangan Unit Pengisian Pada Mesin Pengisian Botol Otomatis Berbasis PLCen_US
dc.typeKarya Ilmiahen_US

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