dc.description.abstract |
The progress of technology and information at this time gave birth to smart innovations in business, which we can call business intelligence or business intelligence. One that we can use is data mining technology in extracting useful information from the sales data warehouse. The use of data mining techniques is expected to help speed up the decision-making process, allowing decision makers to manage the information contained in transaction data into new knowledge. Therefore sellers must be more careful in providing which types of catfish will be of much interest, so it is necessary to recommend catfish species using the classification method carried out using the C4.5 data mining algorithm. The data needed is data on weight, type, price, and amount sold. C4.5 algorithm is a decision classification data algorithm type tree. The decision tree C4.5 algorithm is built in several stages which include selecting attributes as roots, creating branches for each value and dividing cases in branches. These stages will be repeated for each branch until all cases in the branch have the same class. From the results of testing the tree search results of the decision from sales data using the RapidMiner Studio application, the results that have the highest gain in predicting the sale of catfish are weight and type, so the management of Galatama Fishing Pond can make reference to pay attention to these two variables in selling catfish to get best-selling.
Keyword’s : Data Mining, Prediction, Decision Tree, C4.5 Algorithm
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