Perancangan Aplikasi Pengamanan Pesan Teks Menggunakan Algoritma Kombinasi TTVC Dan OTP Berbasis Android Studio

dc.contributor.authorNingtyas, Ratih
dc.description.abstract Operating systems for mobile devices are growing. Android is a mobile operating system that is now very popular and widely used by people. For the purposes of the security aspect, Android has also provided specifically for cryptographic functions, such as encryption, description, and so on. SMS is a very popular communication technology. By using SMS someone can exchange information. In this case the SMS sent will be encrypted in the development of an android-based cellular phone program for sending SMS messages. Keywords: Android, Encryption, Decryption, Cryptography, Triple Transposition Vigenere Cipher, One Time Pad. en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectAplikasi Pengamanan Pesan Teks Menggunakan Algoritma Kombinasi TTVC Dan OTP en_US
dc.titlePerancangan Aplikasi Pengamanan Pesan Teks Menggunakan Algoritma Kombinasi TTVC Dan OTP Berbasis Android Studioen_US

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