dc.description.abstract |
At the output of the cooking oil production process, there are outspect products that can affect consumer satisfaction. The output of the outspect cooking oil production process must be reworked so that the company must incur additional production costs. Based on this, this study aims to reduce product outspects in the production process output of Mirna cooking oil using the DMAIC Six Sigma method. The sigma capability in the cooking oil production process in November 2020 resulted in a defect level (proportion) of 0.115, DPO (defect per opportunity) of 0.0287 and DPMO (defect per million opportunities) of 28,700 which were then converted through the table to obtain the sigma level. of 3.40 sigma and from the above Cpk value of 0.6332 it can be concluded that the ability of the Mirna cooking oil production process is inadequate because of Cpk <1.5, it is necessary to make active efforts to improve the quality towards the desired target. The 3.40 sigma level is still categorized as the industry average in Indonesia.
Keywords: Quality Control, Sixsigma, DMAIC
| en_US |