Tourist visiting interests: The role of social media marketing and perceived value

dc.contributor.authorjulianaa, aditi,bunga, nagoyac, rocky , wisnalmawatid ,nurcholifahe ita
dc.description.abstract This research is intended to measure the influence of Social Media Marketing which uploads tourist destinations in Banten Province with interest in visiting mediated by perceived value. The research method uses a hypothesis testing model and uses a cross sectional model, where data is collected completely within a certain time. The study uses a convenience sampling technique, where the sample members are respondents who are easy to find, and this convenience makes data collection more effective and efficient since it saves time and costs. The sample in this study were 290 tourists who had visited Banten Province. The technique of collecting data in this study used an online questionnaire, data analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The study concluded that there was a significant relationship between Social Media Marketing and Perceived Value. There was a significant relationship between Social Media Marketing and Visiting Interests. There was a significant relationship between Perceived Value and Visiting Interests. en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.titleTourist visiting interests: The role of social media marketing and perceived valueen_US
dc.typeKarya Ilmiahen_US

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