Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Entrepreneur Personality, External factors, and Business Success

dc.contributor.authorchairunnisa,t. lyza tahura
dc.contributor.author hendriarto,prasetyono
dc.contributor.authorsuyar,annisha suvero
dc.identifier.uri https://www.ijirmf.com/wp-content/uploads/IJIRMF202103020.pdf
dc.description.abstract This study aims to find the influence of entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial personality, and external factors on the success of small and medium enterprises in Medan Night Market. The questionnaire was distributed to 88 SMEs actors at the Medan Night Market. The model used is Multiple Linear Regression and is processed using SPSS version 22.0. Based on the results of the t-test analysis, it was found that entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial personality had a positive and significant effect on business success, while external factors (X3) had a positive but insignificant effect on business success. Then the results of the analysis using the F test note that the three independent variables, namely entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial personality, and external factors have a positive and significant effect on business success. The results of the analysis using the coefficient of determination show that 20.6% of business success can be obtained and explained by entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial personality, and external factors. While the remaining 79.4% is explained by other variables not included in this study. en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.titleEntrepreneurial Knowledge, Entrepreneur Personality, External factors, and Business Successen_US
dc.typeKarya Ilmiahen_US

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