dc.description.abstract |
Indonesia is geographically located in an area of tectonic activity, namely on the Asian continental plate and the Australian continent. Apart from that, climatologically Indonesia is also a meeting place between the Hadley air circulation and the Walker air circulation. These two things influence climate diversity in Indonesia. Tectonic activity has resulted in most of Indonesia's territory being mountains and slopes. This makes landslides a disaster that often occurs in Indonesia. So a landslide detection tool is needed that works efficiently. The working principle of a landslide detection tool is that when an electric current enters the component circuit, the accelerometer sensor can detect soil movement and the soil moisture sensor detects soil moisture. Soil shift and soil moisture data is sent to the Node MCU microcontroller, then the microcontroller sends soil shift and soil moisture data to the smartphone using the internet network. The microcontroller also sends data to the LCD. If there is a ground shift of 2 cm, the microcontroller sends ground shift data to the LCD and telegram. If the ground shift is 4 cm, the microcontroller sends data to the LCD, telegram and MP3 dfplayer will sound. The soil moisture sensor test results were found to be 0.036% to 0.081%. The test results for the accelerometer sensor were 0.046 gr/cm to 0.132 gr/cm 3.
Keywords: Node MCU Microcontroller, MPU 6050 Accelerometer Sensor,
Soil Moisture Sensor, LCD, MP3 Dfplayer
| en_US |