dc.description.abstract |
Fiber to the home (FTTH) is a form of optical signal delivery from the provider center to the user area using optical fiber as a delivery medium. This technological development is used to obtain a service known as Triple Play Services, namely a service that provides fast internet access, voice and video in one infrastructure at the customer unit.
This final assignment analyzes the performance of the FTTH (Fiber To The Home) network using GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) technology in the Tanjung Morawa KIMSTAR Complex. In the performance analysis, the parameters analyzed are power link budget, RX Power, Attenuation, attinable rate. And does it meet the standards set by PT. Telkom with a value classification for Power Rx, namely -10 dBm to -27 dBm and for Attenuation in the range of 16.99 dB to 29.99 dB
Keywords: FO Network quality, Internet, voice, usetv | en_US |