Penggunaan Kenjougo dalam Anime Sakamoto Desu Ga (Anime Sakamoto Desu Ga No Naka De Kenjougo No Shiyou)

dc.contributor.authorTENGKU CINTA ZANICE SYAH
dc.description.abstract This research applies qualitative methods and uses descriptive writing. The data source comes from the Anime Sakamoto Desu ga which has 12 episodes. This research aims to determine the types of Kenjougo in Japanese and explain the use of Kenjougo in the Anime Sakamoto Desu ga. Kenjougo is used to lower oneself to respect someone, in Anime it is used when talking to someone of higher status. From the results of this research, it was found that Kenjougo was used for 8 data. In conversation Sakamoto uses Kenjougo when speaking to teachers or to someone older than him to lower himself to respect them. However, Sakamoto also uses this pattern when he is with someone who is close to him but uses casual or informal language. From Sakamoto's character, it can be seen that the use of Keigo shows a person's closeness to someone who has status or is with someone who is equal to him. The use of Keigo in Anime explains that Anime can also be a learning tool to understand the use of polite language that is often useden_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectKenjougo dan Anime Sakamoto Desu Gaen_US
dc.titlePenggunaan Kenjougo dalam Anime Sakamoto Desu Ga (Anime Sakamoto Desu Ga No Naka De Kenjougo No Shiyou)en_US
dc.typeTugas Akhiren_US

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