EFISIENSI PENGGUNAAN PILE SLAB DIBANDING METODE PENIMBUNAN TANAH TERHADAP BIAYA DAN WAKTU (studi kasus : Jalan Tol Tebing Tinggi – Parapat (Tahap 1) Ruas Tebing Tinggi – Serbelawan Sta: 8+075 – 8+525)

dc.contributor.authorHarefa, Alvajar Nofanolo
dc.identifier.uri https://jurnal.uisu.ac.id/index.php/but/article/view/9860/6854
dc.description.abstract Planning for the construction of a toll road connecting Tebing Tinggi and Prapat has several obstacles. Where in the planning there are several points of land that have soft soil conditions. To overcome this problem, there are several methods that can be used so that toll road construction projects can proceed as planned. The methods that can be used are the earth embankment method and the pile slab method. Where the two methods have differences in implementation, the two methods have differences in costs and processing time. So the aim of this thesis is to find out which of the two methods is more effective and efficient in its work, and produces maximum results. The analysis carried out includes the costs and time of implementing the two methods. Cost analysis refers to the PUPR Ministerial Regulations and SNI regarding unit price analysis in the field of public works. From the results of the research carried out, it was found that pile slab work has an advantage in terms of completion time of 10 months compared to earth embankment work of 12 months which has an efficiency level of 16.6%, while the embankment method is more economical in terms of costs which only using funds amounting to Rp. 49,469,035,965 when compared with the pile slab method which uses funds of Rp. 116,521,853,731 with an efficiency level of 57.5%. So from these results it can be concluded that if the owner wants a fast time then he can use the pile slab method, whereas if he wants lower costs then he can use the earth embankment method. Key Words : Pile Slab, Landfill, Cost and Time Analysis en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectPILE SLAB en_US
dc.titleEFISIENSI PENGGUNAAN PILE SLAB DIBANDING METODE PENIMBUNAN TANAH TERHADAP BIAYA DAN WAKTU (studi kasus : Jalan Tol Tebing Tinggi – Parapat (Tahap 1) Ruas Tebing Tinggi – Serbelawan Sta: 8+075 – 8+525)en_US

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