Perancangan Jaringan Load Balancing Failover Menggunakan Metode NTH dengan Simulator Graphic Network Simulator (GNS3)

dc.contributor.authorArief, Muhammad
dc.description.abstract The need for communication today is very important along with the progress and development of data communication technology is increasingly sophisticated. Data communication technology is evolving from time to time very rapidly. Therefore, proper and reliable design is required in building good network quality in order to improve the performance of the network. In this case the increasing demand for information needs in the internet, so the traffic in the internet more crowded by the requests for information. Especially on a network that has a small bandwidth, this will greatly interfere with network traffic that can lead to disconnection of internet connection path. One way that can be used to maintain the quality of internet connection is to keep the traffic to keep running balanced and save bandwidth, Failover itself is a technique that provides 2 or more internet connections where if one of the internet connection off (main connection) then the other connection (backup connection) will backup the main connection, by dividing the load into multiple paths or links using the NTH load balancing method. Keywords: Load Balancing, Failover, NTH Method en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectJaringan Load Balancing Failover en_US
dc.titlePerancangan Jaringan Load Balancing Failover Menggunakan Metode NTH dengan Simulator Graphic Network Simulator (GNS3) en_US

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