dc.description.abstract |
One alternative to make it easier for workers to control the roasting process is to make a peanut roasting machine that uses a timer. This peanut roasting machine can help make it easier for producers to produce roasted peanuts with a consistent level of maturity and can reduce the time used for roasted peanut production. So the production process becomes more effective and efficient. The aim of the research is to get the results of motor power calculations for roasting peanuts, get the results of calculating the required motor torque and get the results of calculating the allowable shear stress on the shaft. Making a peanut roasting machine is an alternative process to increase the efficiency and productivity of roasted peanut processing, therefore this peanut roasting machine was made to overcome long production problems for medium and small roasted peanut producers. The design of this roasting machine uses electric motor driving power, then planning and calculating the forces on the components of large machine elements, motor power. The results of the research found that from the planning and calculations on the peanut roasting machine using a horizontal model, a peanut roasting machine design was obtained with the following specifications: The shear stress on the shaft is 0 .80 N The torque obtained by the motor is 675 Nm and the power that is safe to use for engine planning is 1.25 HP
Keywords: Roaster, Electric Motor, Roasting Tube, Beans, Roasted Nuts.
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