Derivational Affixes Used in Inside Out Movie Directed by Pete Docter

dc.contributor.authorANDRIANI SUNJAYA
dc.description.abstract This research is conducted based on the idea of the importance of having in-depth knowledge about words to assist individuals in acquiring and learning language well for effective communication. This research aimed to identify the types of derivational affixes and how derivational affixes contribute to the formation of new words in Inside Out movie based on morphology theory explained by Lieber since movie is a tool in learning a new language. This research was qualitative research and the data were collected from all of the dialogues containing derivational affixes in the movie. The data analysis used in this research was the data analysis spiral. The results show there are 139 derived words used in Inside Out movie appeared in 10 types of prefixes and 27 types of suffixes. Prefix re- and un- were the most frequently used derivational affixes, while suffix –ly and –ion were the most frequently used derivational suffixes in the movie. The results also show that most prefixes created new words by changing the meaning of the base words, while most suffixes created new words by changing the word class of the base belongs toen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.titleDerivational Affixes Used in Inside Out Movie Directed by Pete Docteren_US

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