E-Absensi Pegawai PT Telkom Kota Medan Menggunakan Metode FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking)

dc.contributor.authorHarris, Muhammad Einar
dc.identifier.uri https://jurnal.dharmawangsa.ac.id/index.php/syntax/article/view/4162
dc.description.abstract There are problems related to the management of attendance data at PT. Telkom Medan where attendance data management is still written manually with a signature on the attendance book, so it is not yet computerized. Based on these problems, of course, often lead to errors or fraud in carrying out attendance data collection and aspects in the attendance data collection book which result in the recording in the book being lost. A computerized attendance application can simplify one's work quickly, effectively and efficiently. The formulation of the problem is to create a website-based attendance application at PT. Telkom Medan uses the FAST method. The actors involved in this system are admin and user. Each of these actors has different access and tasks. The results of this study are that it makes it easier for admins to manage data, search data, control data reports for the better because it can be accessed and printed directly and makes data storage easier. Keyword : FAST Method, Application, Attendance. en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectMetode FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking)en_US
dc.titleE-Absensi Pegawai PT Telkom Kota Medan Menggunakan Metode FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking)en_US

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