Penegakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pencemaran Lingkungan Danau Toba Oleh Masyarakat Pengelola Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA)

dc.contributor.authorPretty Elisabeth Pardosi
dc.description.abstract Lakes have a significant economic function, namely as a source of clean water which is very important for human needs such as providing drinking water, irrigation, and industrial purposes. One of the lakes owned by Indonesia is Lake Toba. Communities around Lake Toba use the Lake Toba area for agriculture, tourism, and fisheries. Floating Net Cage (KJA) is one of the freshwater fish farming systems that developed in the Lake Toba area, as an effort to increase fisheries production by utilizing the potential of lake waters. The existence of KJA in Lake Toba is able to improve the community's economy, so its use is increasing from year to year. However, its management practices have a negative impact on the environment, such as water pollution and sedimentation that can damage habitat and biodiversity in Lake Toba. This research will examine the regulation of KJA management on Lake Toba, criminal law enforcement against KJA managers who pollute the environment on Lake Toba and solutions to KJA management problems that pollute the Lake Toba environment. This research is a normative legal research. Normative legal research or doctrinal legal research is referred to as legal research, which is internal research within the discipline of law. Normative legal research (legal research) or what is commonly referred to as library research is a document study, namely using legal material sources in the form of laws and regulations, court decisions/decisions, contracts/agreements/contracts, legal theory, and opinions of scholars. This research is descriptive in nature, namely research that is explanatory in nature, and aims to obtain a complete description of the legal situation in force in a certain place, or regarding existing juridical phenomena, or a certain legal event that occurs in society. Cultivation using floating net cages in Lake Toba produces residues of pesticides and fertilizers, which is one of the causes of water pollution in the lake. There are several legal umbrellas as legal forums that aim to protect and preserve the Lake Toba area, starting from central to regional level regulations. However, in practice in the field there are still frequent violations of existing regulations. These violations caused environmental pollution of Lake Toba, mainly due to aquaculture activities using floating net cage systems that were not in accordance with the carrying capacity of Lake Toba waters. Law enforcement related to floating net cage managers who pollute the environment in Lake Toba is still weak. Environmental law enforcement can be divided into three main stages, namely pre-emptive action (deterrence), preventive action (Prevention) and repressive action (Enforcement)en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectPenegakan Hukum Pidann dan Pencemaran Lingkunganen_US
dc.titlePenegakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pencemaran Lingkungan Danau Toba Oleh Masyarakat Pengelola Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA)en_US

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