Four Translation Procedures In The Subtitle Of Brave Movie

dc.contributor.authorSri Ulina Pinem
dc.description.abstract The aims of this study are to find out the translation procedures in the subtitle Brave movie and to find out how the translation procedures are used in English language into Indonesian language subtitle in the movie. Qualitative method is used in this study to uncover the findings using Newmark (1988) concept of translation procedures with four theory transposition, modulation, reduction and naturalization. The data used is utterance and to explain the translation procedures in translating subtitle Brave movie, the data was obtained by watching Brave movie with the source of data is by reading the subtitle Brave movie English language and Indonesian language, identify script, selecting, classifying and analyzing them based on the theories of translation procedures. The result of this research from the analysis of related data show that 173 data were collected with 95 transpositions, 38 modulations, 20 reductions, and 20 naturalizationsen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectFour Translation Of Brave Movieen_US
dc.titleFour Translation Procedures In The Subtitle Of Brave Movieen_US

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