Conflict Found in Franz Kafka’s The Trial Novel

dc.contributor.authorFARAHIYAH HAFILAH MIRAZA
dc.description.abstract This thesis entitled Conflicts in Franz Kafka’s Novel The Trial. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the external conflicts found in the novel. There are two problems analyzed in this thesis, The first problem is about the external conflicts portrayed in the novel and how it is portrayed, the second is to reveal the most dominant type of external conflict found in the novel. This thesis uses the theory of conflicts by Tennyson (1967) that divides conflicts into two parts, namely Internal conflict and External conflict. This thesis uses the approach of psychological literature. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative method. Thus, in doing this research, library research is applied in analyzing the data. The source of data in this research is the Franz Kafka’s novel, The Trial. The data of this research is the texts that are related to the external conflicts in the novel. Then, the data was classified into types of external conflicts. The results of this research found that there are two kinds of external conflicts in the novel; Man Vs Man and Man Vs. Society conflict and it shows that ; Man Vs Man is the most type of conflict that is found in the novel The Trial. The external conflict portrayed in the novel The Trial are 1. Man Vs. Man (71,42%) and 2. Man Vs. Society (28,57%)en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectNOVEL THE TRIALen_US
dc.titleConflict Found in Franz Kafka’s The Trial Novelen_US

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