Penggunaan Kandoushi Dalam Bahasa Jepang (Nihongo Ni Okeru Kandoushi No Shiyou)

dc.contributor.authorKHAIRUNNISA NUR HASANAH
dc.description.abstract In everyday conversations we sometimes use interjections such as, ah, wow, eh, as expressions of feelings. Interjections are used so that the person you are talking to understands the delivery of information without having to explain at length. The interjection in Japanese is kandoushi. This paper aims to find out the vocabulary included in kandoushi and to explain the use of kandoushi in Japanese sentences using the literature method. Kandoushi to express feelings consisting of feelings of surprise, not expecting, being confused when looking for answers, and asking yourself. Examples include the words えっ (e'), へえ (hee), ええと (eeto), and はて (hate). Kandoushi to express answers in the form of agreement, rejection, and understanding. Examples include the words はい (hi), いいえ (iie), and ふうん (fuun). Kandoushi for calls, invitations, and appeals, such as おい(oi), こら(kora), and ねえ (nee). Kandoushi who expresses greetings when meeting, parting, leaving, and welcoming. For example, お早う (ohayou), じゃ、また (ja, eye), 行って来ます (itdekimasu), and お帰りなさい (okaerinasai). Kandoushi is used to make small talk when preparing or finishing eating food and drinks, giving thanks, and responding to thank yous. For example いただきます (itadakimasu), ごちそうさま (gochisousama), どうも (doumo), and どういたしまして (douitashimashite)en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Harapan Medanen_US
dc.subjectKandoushi Dalam Bahasa Jepangen_US
dc.titlePenggunaan Kandoushi Dalam Bahasa Jepang (Nihongo Ni Okeru Kandoushi No Shiyou)en_US
dc.typeTugas Akhiren_US

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